Emotionally, we were all in the same place: ecstatic and overcome with excitement. And now Danielle Fishel, who played Topanga, is adding fuel to our nostalgic fire by giving a very revealing interview to Maxim about the T.G.I.F years. And anyone who had a childhood crush on her will be happy to know that the interview comes with a scantily clad Fishel.
Plus, you'll never guess what Bob Saget once asked her family for on a plane:
How Topanga Was Named: BMW creator Michael Jacobs was driving past Topanga Canyon while on the phone with producers who were asking for a name for her character. "He says that if they had called him two miles later, I would've been named Canoga, which is the next exit," Fishel said.
Five others '90s casts we want reunited

Photos, or It Didn't Happen: Do you all realized that we missed out what could have been the best photo in recent entertainment history? Fishel recently had dinner with not only her onscreen husband Ben Savage and the man who played Shawn, Rider Strong, but Will Friedle, AKA Eric, was there, too! But it was at Strong's house, and not anywhere they could be photographed. "We figured that would probably stop the world." She is correct.
Who else cannot wait for Girl Meets World? And how hot does Fishel look in these photos?