West Virginia Mesothelioma Attorney
At Prim Law Firm PLLC, we represent people who incurred injuries or lost a family member due to the negligence of others, including safety lapses in the workplace and medical settings.Our attorneys have over 30 years of combined experience in personal injury cases involving mesothelioma and other asbestos-related cancers and lung disease, as well as injuries caused by negligent medical and nursing care or defective products. We have the knowledge, skills, and tenacity necessary to hold negligent parties responsible for the injuries and damage they caused.
Let our West Virginia asbestos attorneys help you
Many of our clients are working men and women from throughout the region, including southeastern Ohio and eastern Kentucky. Many were injured or exposed to deadly asbestos or toxic chemicals while working at industrial, construction, and manufacturing jobs.Between the 1940s and 1980s, millions of workers were exposed to asbestos without proper safety equipment or warnings about how breathing in asbestos fibers could harm them. Today, thousands are still suffering from mesothelioma and other asbestos-related cancers and lung disease resulting from this exposure. Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of cancer that invades the mesothelial lining of the lungs, abdomen, and heart, and when diagnosed, it is often at an advanced stage and considered incurable.
Effective legal representation for personal injury victims
Through our skillful and zealous representation, our West Virginia mesothelioma attorneys succeeded in recovering millions of dollars on behalf of injured victims and surviving family members through settlements or trial verdicts.We also help medical malpractice victims prove that their injuries were caused by a misdiagnosis, surgical error, or other medical mistake. Over the decades, we developed many resources that make us extremely competitive and effective. These include a substantial network of experts who help investigate the causes of asbestos-related and medical malpractice injuries and present credible evidence and arguments in court as well as in settlement negotiations. In addition, we have a comprehensive database documenting workplace injuries, patterns of illnesses, and worksites known for using toxic substances.
Contact the mesothelioma law firm today
You worked hard over the years to support yourself and your family. Now let our attorneys work hard for you. If you need to consult an attorney for a medical malpractice matter or need the help of a West Virginia asbestos attorney, we offer flexible hours and can visit you at your home or in the hospital if you cannot come to us. Since we charge on a contingency basis, you do not have to pay attorney fees unless we recover compensation on your behalf. Contact the Prim Law Firm PLLC at 866.201.7985 for a free initial consultation today._______________________________*******____________________________________________
Asbestos Laws in West Virginia
Between 1998 and 2000, West Virginia and four other states accounted for two-thirds of all U.S. asbestos case filings. As of 2006, the state processed an estimated 33,000 asbestos claims. By 2008, West Virginia developed a reputation for having plaintiff-friendly courts and juries. As more and more people become aware of mesothelioma cancer and their rights to collect financial benefits because of the disease, West Virginia continues to be a popular jurisdiction for new asbestos case filings.
Asbestos Exposure in West Virginia
Occupational asbestos exposure poses considerable health risks in West Virginia. Exposure to asbestos dust around coal mining areas and mining equipment can lead to serious illnesses. Although the state is best known for its coal mines, West Virginia's power plants, oil refineries, railroads, steel mills and other industries also have high incidences of asbestos use. It is no surprise that Kanawha County, center of industry in the state, is also center stage for thousands of asbestos lawsuits.More than 25% of West Virginia’s asbestos-related deaths occurred in Kanawha County. An analysis of government data shows there were at least 594 asbestos-related deaths in the state by 2001. The actual number is almost certainly higher because asbestos mortality data dates back only to 1979 and does not include mesothelioma deaths that occurred before the government began tracking such deaths in 1999. That total does not include asbestos-related lung and gastrointestinal cancers.
Filing a Lawsuit in West Virginia
During the past decade, the West Virginia Legislature and state courts established specific rules and procedures to manage the large number of asbestos claims. Experienced mesothelioma attorneys are familiar with those rules and the West Virginia case process, including the following:------------------------------------------------**********_---------------------------------------------------------
Mesothelioma Lawyers West Virginia
If you or a member of your family has mesothelioma (asbestos cancer) due to asbestos exposure while working in West Virginia, attorneys Clapper, Patti, Schweizer & Mason can help. We are mesothelioma lawyers with over 30 years of success, and we have recovered millions of dollars in settlement compensation for mesothelioma patients and their families. Our attorneys provide a free mesothelioma case evaluation, and there is no up front cost to you for our services. We can advise you throughout the entire complicated mesothelioma legal process
Asbestos Exposure in West Virginia
West Virginia has many older, heavy industries, including oil refineries, chemical plants and power plants. All are known, high-risk sources of asbestos exposure and asbestos-related diseases. West Virginia also has many historical landmarks and old buildings. Most buildings constructed prior to 1980 incorporated numerous asbestos-containing materials for insulation and fire prevention.Oil refinery workers in West Virginia were at a particularly high risk of asbestos exposure prior to the 1980’s, since the oil refining process involves high amounts of heat and chemicals. Asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) have been used in oil refineries since the industry first got its start in the mid-19th century to insulate many types of refinery equipment, including furnaces, tanks, boilers, ovens, heat exchangers and pumps.
Chemical processing plants generate high amounts of heat during the manufacturing process as well. Because industrial fires and chemical stability is always a great concern, asbestos was widely used for its insulating and fire retardant properties in chemical processing plants. Workers who maintained the processing machinery frequently had to precisely trim and fit asbestos coated metal and gaskets to size. In the cutting and grinding process, asbestos fibers could become airborne, and workers were susceptible to breathing in this toxic substance.
West Virginia has numerous older power plants. Since even the smallest fire at a power plant can cause a major disaster, asbestos was commonly used in older power stations in West Virginia and across the United States to resist heat and flame. Asbestos insulated boilers, generators, turbines and other machinery. It was also used in wires and electrical panels. When power plant equipment or facilities were repaired, dangerous asbestos fibers could be released into the air, affecting the health of utility and maintenance workers.
In all of these older heavy industries, workers who repaired and maintained equipment lined with asbestos were especially prone to asbestos fiber inhalation. Workers who came into contact with high levels of heat in their day-to-day tasks often wore protective gear, including aprons, gloves, overcoats and hoods, made from asbestos. When these materials tore or ripped, workers came into direct contact with dangerous asbestos fibers.
A large number of old, historic buildings are located in West Virginia. Nearly every building constructed before 1980 should be considered an asbestos risk. Asbestos was commonly used for building insulation, roofing materials, floor tiles and millboard. Asbestos was also used to line water pipes, HVAC ductwork, boilers and electrical conduits. Even today, construction workers can be exposed to asbestos while demolishing and renovating older buildings, unless proper precautions are taken. Safety procedures, such as dampening asbestos-containing materials, wearing disposable protective clothing and avoiding the use of power tools, should be followed when working with older buildings.
Our Attorneys Can Help Victims of Mesothelioma in West Virginia
If you or someone you love has been affected by asbestos cancer in West Virginia or any state in the U.S., contact Clapper, Patti, Schweizer & Mason. Whether your asbestos exposure was due to working at a contaminated jobsite or because you used asbestos-containing products, our mesothelioma attorneys will give you sound, legal advice. We have over thirty years of experience providing mesothelioma legal representation to clients across the United States. We offer a free case evaluation and can fly to West Virginia to meet with you in person.If you are in need of mesothelioma medical information or treatment, please visit our list of mesothelioma doctors. Our mesothelioma attorneys are here to help.
Call Clapper, Patti, Schweizer & Mason for a free consultation.
West Virginia Asbestos Lawyers
The mesothelioma lawyers at the Simmons Law Firm represent victims of mesothelioma cancer throughout the United States including the state of West Virginia. We have represented thousands of families affected by mesothelioma and asbestos-related cancer and have seen the suffering it causes firsthand. The Simmons Law Firm is dedicated to giving our clients the respect and attention they deserve, no matter where they live. If you or someone you love has mesothelioma, we will come to you.
Over the past decade, we've represented many clients throughout West Virginia, including families from the following locations: Holden, Kellysville, Madison, Moorefield and Weirton.
As a nationwide firm, our asbestos attorneys have the resources and experience necessary to represent individuals and families against large companies in this complex area of litigation. Our firm has recovered over $4 billion in verdicts and settlements for thousands of families affected by mesothelioma and asbestos-related diseases. Our asbestos lawyers have recovered $17 million on behalf of mesothelioma and asbestos disease victims located in the state of West Virginia alone.*
* Please note that recovery results vary per client. The recovery amounts in each case reflect the specific facts of that case. Further, recovery amounts in past cases are not a guarantee of future results
You should know that West Virginia has a unique set of laws that could impact your ability to file a claim. For example, West Virginia has statute of limitation laws that restrict the time frame in which mesothelioma victims and family members can file a lawsuit. Rest assured our mesothelioma lawyers are prepared to help you understand the process for filing an asbestos lawsuit and guide you through the legal system. Contact the Simmons Law Firm if you have a question about a potential case.
If you have mesothelioma or lung cancer due to asbestos exposure, please contact our mesothelioma law firm for a free case evaluation.
An Introduction to Asbestos and Mesothelioma
Asbestos is a deadly mineral that has been used in thousands of products. When microscopic asbestos fibers are inhaled or ingested, they can cause a number of diseases, including mesothelioma and lung cancer. Of the diseases caused by asbestos, mesothelioma is the most aggressive, attacking the internal lining of the lungs and abdomen. Mesothelioma typically does not develop until decades after the asbestos exposure occurred.A number of work sites throughout West Virginia are linked to asbestos exposure including:
Beech Bottom
Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Fabrication Plant
Brockway Glass Mfg Plant (aka Anchor, formerly Hazel Atlas)
Hunting Alloys Specialty Metals Plant, (formerly Inco Alloys)
Owens-Illinois Gas Plant
Dupont Chemical Plant
Mountain State Steel Castings Foundry
American Viscose Rayon Plant
Mobay Chemical Plant
Blaw-Knox Rolls Foundry
Willow Island
Pleasants Power Station
Willow Island Power Station
View additional work sites in West Virginia.
If you or a loved one has suffered from an asbestos-related disease, please contact us today for a free legal consultation.
Learn More About Mesothelioma:
» Types of Mesothelioma» Mesothelioma Diagnosis Information
» Filing a Mesothelioma Lawsuit
» Contact Asbestos Lawyers
The majority of individuals who have been exposed to asbestos encounter the so-called “magic mineral” in their line of work, often due to inadequate safety precautions. Others are exposed to asbestos indirectly when they come in contact with the clothing of a family member involved in a high-risk asbestos occupation.
Asbestos has been widely used in many industrial products including cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring products, textiles, and insulation. When microscopic asbestos dust particles becomes airborne, they can be inhaled or swallowed and can cause serious health issues.
Common work environments where a mesothelioma or cancer patient may have encountered asbestos include shipyards, oil refineries, sheet metal plants, automotive plants, construction sites, and many more. Here is a complete list of occupations that have been linked to asbestos exposure.
Giving Back to Mesothelioma Patients & Families
In 2010, the Simmons Law Firm established the Simmons Mesothelioma Foundation, a private, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting research and advancing awareness about this rare cancer. The Foundation partners with established experts and thought-leaders in the mesothelioma research field. Learn more about the Foundation's current mesothelioma research partners.As a long-time supporter of the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation and the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization, the Simmons Law Firm has an extensive history of supporting the fight against mesothelioma and cancer. The firm has also pledged over $10 million to establish the Simmons Cancer Institute at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. The institute provides extraordinary new resources to enhance treatments and implement the continuing search for a permanent cure. It is the largest single gift in the history of SIU and establishes the university as home to one of the leading cancer facilities in the United States.
Asbestos Exposure in West Virginia Today
Asbestos has not yet been banned in the United States. Its use is regulated, but it is still used in products today. Asbestos has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a human carcinogen. This assessment is supported by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), both of which believe that the future use of asbestos should be banned.The following chart shows the higher-risk occupations for malignant mesothelioma along with their corresponding West Virginia employment numbers.
Occupation | Number Employed in West Virginia, 20061 |
Plumbers, pipefitters, steamfitters | 2,340 |
Mechanical engineers | 520 |
Electricians | 5,670 |
Teachers, elementary school | 7,530 |
- The Environmental Working Group reported that there were up to 296 mesothelioma cases in West Virginia from 1979 to 2001.
- CDC statistics show West Virginia's age-adjusted death rate for malignant mesothelioma to be 15.2 deaths per million per year.
- The National Cancer Institute and CDC's state cancer profiles show West Virginia's 2006 annual incidence rate for lung and bronchus cancers was 91 deaths per 100,000, which was second-highest in the nation and 9% higher than the national average.
West Virginia Mesothelioma Lawyers
Mesothelioma is a cancer most commonly caused by asbestos exposure. Most common types of mesothelioma occur in either the lungs (pleural mesothelioma) or the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma). For those who develop mesothelioma, there is no present cure. Since the 1930s and 1940s medical evidence was clear that asbestos cancers and lung diseases could be tied to asbestos exposure. Nonetheless, many asbestos companies chose to continue using asbestos, rather than alternative products, as switching to an alternative product would diminish their profits.Berthold Law Firm, as experienced asbestos and mesothelioma lawyers, has extensive experience in litigating this deadly disease process. Our goal is to ensure that asbestos companies and other industries who negligently, carelessly, and recklessly put workers at risk are held accountable for the harms they have caused your loved one. We will work hard to ensure that victims of mesothelioma and their family are adequately compensated for their loss.
Berthold Law Firm is reviewing cases involving individuals who have been exposed to asbestos and developed mesothelioma as a result of their exposure. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact Berthold Law Firm today. You are welcome to use our contact form, or to call immediately.
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