I dream a world without fear, hatred, tears, soldiers and borders. I dream a world full people, full with love seeking for justice and peace. In future I don’t want to see any military debacle as the Pakistan army and their local agents’ raped 200,000 women and killed over 3 million Bangladeshi people during the liberation war in 1971.
In war and out of war it’s strange to see the people killing each other in the name of protecting their nation. The politician knows very well how to divide the world with borders with different names of nations, how to divide people from people. They divide themselves and urges for unity. The main aim is dividing and ruling the people. All over the world there is a class of people they are ruler, they rules. The people select or elect them in various ways and finally the selected or elected rulers by the people unruly rule them until they fully suppress them. It’s the process of suppression and separation by the politicians for the people.
The war is over between East Pakistan and West Pakistan, a new nation Bangladesh born out of war. I am writing for peace after 40 years of the war, looking for unity not for division among the people of the world. I dream to be united with all the people of the world not with the governments run by the ruler who knows how to rule us by dividing us in nations for their own profits and politics.
Readers may questions me whether I am talking about reconciliation with Pakistan. No, I am talking about the friendly relationship with the people of Pakistan as I desire a friendly relationship with any people else where in the world. I am talking about the reconciliation of world under one umbrella. I desire the whole world with reconcile one day. They will break the border and unite themselves in one name in one world without divisions.
I have had many questions regarding the positions of Peoples of the world regarding the liberation war of 1971. Many people ask for the justifications to support this side or that side in war. I don’t find any cause to support any party in war who kill each others but finds many reasons and ways not to involve in war at any cost. I hope there were people group in both geo graphical location presently named Bangladesh and Pakistan who also wished that there will be no war. I believe even now today there are people who want peace at any situation but not war.
It’s my ideology against war, borders, and divisions and against the rulers. It’s very hard to explain all in one article.
Recently I went to see a full-length feature film “Meherjan” out of curiosity. Before seeing the movie I was not quite sure what the movie is all about but as the movie begin I become spell bound in watching the artistic contribution of the artist of the movie.
Casting stars from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh portrayed a unique unity of love, respect towards women of valour. For me “Meherjan” is a pro- people movie. I honor Jaya Bachchan, Victor Banerjee, Humayun Faridee and Azad Abdul Kalam, Oman Rahim, director Rubaiyat Hossain and all the people related with “Meherjan”.
Pablo Casals said,"The love of one`s country is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border?”. “Meherjan” is breaking the border brining the people together against the ruler who rules people in different name and places but for common purpose.
“Meherjan” portrayed the absolute humanity within the people in all situations even in war; man fights and kills each other, they dies but its love what remains. Love is not blind; it simply enables one to see things others fail to see. “Meherjan” is calling towards the people of nations, its enabling the people who failed to see the love of people around them. It’s calling towards unity of people who seeks justice and peace.
I was discussing with prominent journalist Faruk Wasif regarding his recent writing on “Meherjan”. He showed a special courage and brought wonderful writings on the movie where he sharply reflects his views. During the hour long discussion I was really touched by his love for the people of the world.
Many people have criticized him and nakedly attacked him by illogical arguments. Many even called him “Pakistan er dalal”(Broker of Pakistan). He affirmed that he is against any injustice any where in the world. He said I am against what Israel is doing against Palestine. But I am not against the people of Israel. I am against India when India is killing innocent people in Indo Bangla border but not against the peace loving people of India.
The absolute freedom of speech is absent in Bangladesh. Very recently unfortunately the film was pulled down from theatres.
A news report said “The distributor of the film Meherjaan took it off the theatres in the face of an allegation that the film distorted the history of the country`s independence war and humiliated the freedom fighters and `Biranganas` (women of valour).”
There is always force in every where who always wants people to divide and rule, that people group is in campaigning against the calling of Humanity “Meherjan”.
There was and there is people every where who always is against war and destructions. The government and evil technically forced to stop the screening of “Meherjan” but they will not be able to stop people loving each other promoting the justice and peace crossing the borders. The can stop people in border but not love. “Meherjan” is spreading love crossing the border.
At last I want to quote the saying prominent American social reformer William Lloyd Garrison "My country is the world; my countrymen are mankind." I dream a world without borders.
William Gomes is a Human Rights Activist and Journalist. Email:williamgomes.org@gmail.com